- Genius Essays
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You are a god. Do you know that? In this essay, I challenge you to reclaim your personal agency and rediscover your freedom to be.

You are a god; Existing as a deity with power and authority over your universe—the reality you must accept and believe, for true freedom and soul prosperity.
You are sovereign. At least, you ought to be. Nothing marks your orbit without your permission—nothing should. And, no one determines your expression without your permission.
“He/she made me do it”
Is a stupid statement borne out of control, ignorance and piety.
You do whatever you do because you chose to do it.
When you lead, understanding that you are a god and only what you allow within your orbit is allowed, you grow out of the constraints of victimhood into the infinity of potential. You shift away from the reactions that hints at you daily into the intention you decide to set thus, architecting your reality.
We all are avatars in an interconnected web of existence, gods in ours and the hero of our own show. We exist as one and also, as unity. That is, we function independently yet interdependently. Independent in thought yet interdependent in furnishing the interconnectedness of our universe.
The orbit of your personhood speaks to the borders that governs who you are as a person. It defines the scope of your existence and the parameters of your autonomy. The orbit of your personhood outlines the boundaries of your TRUE identity, clearly and self-defined values, beliefs, experiences and RELIGION.
Now, religion in this context doesn’t refer to a kind of faith but a diligent practice rooted in tradition thus, providing frameworks for understanding and engaging with the world as well as expressing your genius. Religion is the practice of your faith; the rites and rituals that allows the full expression of your personhood, creating a unique constellation of factors that contributes to your individuality, authenticity and towards self-actualization.
The idea of your preference, perspective and personality already suggests an ability to exhibit sovereignty so much so that you determine the politics you allow and the will you disperse.
Although, not many fully lean into this.
Call it Personal Agency
Call it Personal Sovereignty
It is the marker of true genius.
The ability to be truly independent and BE—freely.
The ability to detect a snake, be wary of the snake and become the snake —all at the same time.
To suggest rather than be suggestible.
To control rather than being controlled.
Not of manipulation but of personal agency.
To be truly and fully authentic.
Not out of the world but out of your world.
To decide and not to be decided for.
We often times parade ourselves with a sense of helplessness as though, everything that happens is either for us or against us. Whereas, the reality is—this is something we can choose. We can decide what we want to allow into our orbit, what we desire to mark our orbit for a moment and how we choose to react or respond to actors that are pulled in any way into our orbit.
Essentially, every other thing revolves around you and you’ve got a choice to let it define you or not. You are not helpless.
It hurts? You’re a god. You can create the newness you seek.
Coming into a renaissance of your god-form within your orbit is the freedom you need to fully express and embody your person. It is the intelligence you require to fully unleash and embody your genius. Helplessness is not a state of being, but a temporary illusion you can choose to dispel.
The day you decide to wield immense control over your life and experience; over people’s opinion and their ideas; over systems and stereotypes —is the day you step into a different level of potential.
…because potential is boundless.
The potential of gods is infinity. Whatever you make out of the equation.
You don’t fully know what you’re capable of if all that you do is what you’ve been told, or what you’ve come to believe. You must man the gates of your personhood with utmost precision and intention to ensure you create according to your nature and person.
You must insist on not truncating your genius to fit into the celebrated frame of the world —the representation of what genius should be not what it actually is. That you stay within your elevated point of thought, not needing the approval to stand but carving a path out of your person, your nature and your unique framework.
This is what genius means; to embody your personhood and create out of the essence of your divine nature as exploited by YOU.
How many times have you truncated your genius, downsized your vision and invalidated your wisdom to accommodate what seemed accurate because of a celebratory status it had?
Or because of the idea to go to those who have “results” to copy from thus, neglecting your genius in the process. Of course, this doesn't negate the place of education and mentorship but totally frowns out any idea that suggests the downsize of your genius to fit into the block of acceptance and accreditation.
The onus is on you to pay attention. To see that which glitters as gold but is mere brick with glitters and to choose to express purely —not foolishly the full scope of your god-likeness. That just like in the beginning, God created —you create.
You must watch your thirst and quest for fame so much so that you do not trade your personhood for awards and plaques that have no relevance but ego. You must be well intentioned to ensure you absorb the celebrations and the curses with finesse and with no impact on your personhood. You must remain solid and choose to exploit the boundaries of your potential, the expanse of your genius and the limits of your wisdom.
You see, genius isn’t about what you do but the cognitive process + functions that powers what you do. This involves; critical thinking, mental sovereignty, intellectual depth, process mastery and of course, a sense of religion. All of these are arsenals for embodiment and anchoring within your orbit of personhood. To give you your freedom to be and to allow you the independence of mind. Not to be narcissistic and condescending but to live fully, completely and in accordance to YOUR script.
To create indeed.
And to TRULY, contribute as an avatar within our parallel universes.
Genius is formless and void without a realization of god-likeness, of oneness and of power —to create, to be & to do.
Humans are a wonderful specie. Those who do not care much or are too afraid to stand within the strength of their personhood and godlikeness would die to pull every other person into their prison of group dependency, stupidity and inauthenticity.
Think about it: How do you explain a person posting a progress picture of their weight loss journey and some minions go into the comments to ascertain that their previous weight was better?
I guess I'm using this anecdote because of the amount of times I've encountered such stupidity displayed by fellow humans with so much candor and arrogance.
Personally, my best bet is these are people with neatly arranged noodles in their brains paraded as neurons defeating their singular ability to respond in wisdom and with respect for another’s personhood.
People would often try to force themselves into your orbit of personhood, suggesting the importance of their silly narratives, unsolicited counsel and dimwit ideas over what you believe to be right for you —no matter who they are. You must reckon that by being a god, completely free & liberated to stand within the confines of your personhood—nothing, absolutely nothing anyone does to affect your personhood should be paid attention to.
It is more a revelation of the environment of their person that it is about you.
The criticality of this is such that, you can become your own person—respectful of people’s views and opinions yet grossly disrespectful to accept any of it as truth or culture; choosing the exact threadings within your orbit and determine the ideas that would stitch your life together.
When you realize that, it really is totally up to you—it begs a new level of freedom, of peace, of sovereignty, of prosperity, and of course —of responsibility.
Your person is an orbit and from time to time, would be impacted by external forces. It becomes your imperative to ensure you are anchored within your frame, only allowing what you choose to allow and dispelling what needs to be dispelled.
Don’t just live, allow yourself BE.
Lean into your person.
Be the god you are.
And remember, in a world where you can be anything—be GENIUS!
- Faith Afengbai-Ohio