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- Brain Blind
Brain Blind
Reconstructing your mental sight

Sight is a beautiful reality. It is possible to see yet be blind. It is possible to view yet misread the object of view. That’s why I wear glasses. I am not blind, not in the slightest. Yet, I’m challenged seeing objects that are too close on one eye and too far on the other. There’s a scientific explanation for this but that’s not the point.
We assume our intelligence, our sense of vision and our ability for mental clarity—failing to recognize that due to the complexity of our nuanced history, our sight becomes defective. This defect, influences everything about us; thought, behavior and action. Now, the interesting thing is, it’s never perceived or reflected as a defect. It can be serenaded by false or partial intelligence where, sight isn’t necessarily challenged but skewed to produce accurate imagery.
We see and we wouldn’t be labeled as blind but, myopia exists—a form of brain blindness where what we see is different from what is visible and what is visible is alternate to what is seen. This we call, perspective—your definite way of viewing the world around you.
You exist in YOUR world; guarded by your pair of brain-eyes, inhabiting YOUR reality thus, altering your perception, perspective and conclusions. No matter how much knowledge you accumulate, brain-blindness can be as pervasive as malaria in the average Nigerian. While it may be challenging to fully escape its grasp, there are ways to mitigate its effects.
There are various ways brain blindness manifest itself; the crux of this essay isn't to explore the ways but to help you identify the patterns so you can wield control over your mind, own your ideologies as personal religion but never as general conclusions and, to live above the pawn tendency of the average human.
You see, being smart doesn't excuse you from stupidity. Stupidity isn't the absence of knowledge or oratorial prowess, but the infinitesimal presence of wisdom. It's got nothing to do with communication, academics or the metrics we have for intelligence. Rather, it is the prime meridian of the pawn in the game of power.
Simply, stupidity is the absence of wisdom and the bane of the one who assumes smartness for wisdom.
The world is made of ideologies, and so is our world. We have ingrained patterns, preconceptions and prejudices that besets us; defining our reactions, exposure, beliefs, behavior, and wisdom. These patterns are integral, holding the supposed truth of our core. We would die to protect it and exaggerate our intelligence to defend it.
You would see this in the comment section of any content; people with differing opinions—brain blind, yet exaggerating their awareness of the creator’s context, intelligence and goal. They, express their brain myopia in the communication of their ideology—so authoritatively.
And, you wonder what onion could have resulted in the expression of such a loud assumption.
We should all have a creed. Genius is marked by a sense of religion and so, our orbit should be defined and guarded by our refined worldview. However, it's foolishness to expect every other person to share your creed and to exhibit your religion. I would assume that you are familiar with my work to understand the context of religion used here or at least, you are smart enough to understand that religion here in no way relates to your faith or spirituality; though it can be a part of.
My goal for writing this essay isn't necessarily to give you a formula; I never do. It's to hand you a compass to aid your curiosity and investigation for the decolonization of your mind. You must never think in creeds when operating with the world, genius. You think in creed to regulate your world but to operate with the world? It's something broader. Think on that because that's by the way.
Do you see accurately?
Assumption is the lowest level of intelligence was something I had learned during my formative years. So, do not assume.
To consolidate that, it’s essential to understand that every genius does experience subtle stupidity from time to time. It is the presence of stupidity that creates the necessity for wisdom. Hence, no assumptions.
Do you see accurately?
How do you arrive at your conclusions?
And even more critical—what parameters guide the process you take to get to your conclusions?
How do you engage with people of differing opinions?
What is your moral compass for right or wrong?
I know you are reading. But, I’d hope that as a player within my universe—you’ve learned to think as you read.
You see, when we learn about cognitive biases and mental fallacies, it sure seems like a whole lot. However, knowing this and applying yourself to understanding it’s consistent expression within your orbit is more about self-preservation than it is about pompous knowledge acquisition. It is how you can spot patterns, self-preserve and maintain mental sovereignty with poise and finesse.
Everyone has an opinion on what is right and how it should be done, even when the conversation ends with “it’s just my opinion”. People would die for that. Nothing is just an opinion. It’s almost always an ideology, a fundamental alteration of reality or let’s stick with our concept—BRAIN BLINDNESS.
Don’t get it twisted. You should have your opinion on what is right and how it should be done. However, you must always aggressively recognize the individuality of any idea that has no universal meaning. That is, it lacks the ability to be true through every context, time and clime regardless of person, race or character.
You must reckon the personality of your religion and the individuality of your moral compass for that which is within your context and desire. It isn’t abnormal to feel that others are stupid who oppose your view. There are in fact, too many who can be classified as stupid. But, that’s not your fight—it never has been.
Too many people stay locked up in the web of their own creation because their compass for life is delivered to them by another yet unfit for their expression and expansion. Where, you transfer personal authority to another for fear of failure, utilizing their own religion as a compass for engagement. It keeps you going for a while, masquerading purpose or vision? Whereas it’s our way of preserving our future by mirroring that of another.
If you ask me though, I don’t see this as wrong for a start. However, not many know when it is just a start and when they need to alight. So, they become trapped—unbeknownst to them. They become pawns in another’s religion, fighting every ideology that negates the one of their host but then, they lose something they are oblivious of in the process. Their authenticity.
It’s like trauma, you never know a debris was left in you and you had to give up something until when what you had to give up becomes necessary for use.
Do a lot of thinking but let me give base level perspective; the media is a tool for rapid transfer. It’s not exactly for education but multiplication. Ideology communicated is duplicated by those who think themselves to be saviors of a cause that does not exist.
How does a thing become a trend? Actors…and, more actors.
When you want to bring a man down, you only need to tell these unconscious actors, we call them gossips but in the modern world? They are users. You only need to tell them something wrong and their false morality would see the opportunity as a noble cause and you’d get what you want—without blood or tears.
Transpose this into everything. That was for perspective so don’t think in terms of media at all after this. Think in terms of, everything you can think of. Are you a user? Are you brain blind?
Think about every comment you’ve made on a post this week. Every conversation you’ve had. Think on your belief. Think on this essay. Think on it all.
The human mind desires control. It’s unconscious. It would always seek a colonial master.
Geniuses, Decolonize Your Mind.
Where to start? Is not an answer I’d give because you’d be doing the very thing I’m attempting to teach you not to do. So, start by thinking.
Remember, in a world where you can be anything…
– Faith Ohio